Happy international women's day 2024

Women's day is a memorable day in the lives of women where they were given the opportunity to express their grievances, pains, stress and gender equality.

Talking about gender inequality, there are different ways to measure gender equality in the community, but the most common metric is the gender pay gap which is the different in average pay between men and women.

Women are paid less than men for doing the same work. This is a complex issue and there are many factors contributing to it.

One of the main causes of gender pay gap is occupational segregation were certain jobs are seen as " men's job's" or "women's job's", and men and women tends to work in different industries and occupations.

This can lead to women being underrespected in high paying fields like STEM ( science, technology, engineering and math) fields.

In addition, another cause of gender inequality is the fact that women are often responsible for unpaid care work like child care and house work especially in Africa.

This can make it different for women to work full-time and advance in their careers. But on the other hand, men are often seen as the bread winners in the family, and this can lead to them given more opportunities and highly paid.

Moreover, there is still the lack of women leadership positions, and women often face discrimination and harassment everywhere especially in the workplace.

These challenges rendered women voiceless where they couldn't express themselves and made these victims to find it more difficult to come forward, but with social media it became easier for them to connect with each other and share their stories.

All of these causes contribute to gender inequality, and was needed to be addressed if we want to achieve true gender equality.

Thanks to the world pulse founders, initiators and leaders not living out the members for creating a socialist group, community and forum who are out to fight for women's right through sharing their stories, raising their voices, encouraging them and creating relationships.

I applaud and greatly appreciate United nations that officially recognized international women's day and its now celebrated all over the world.

Thanks to all the organisations who stood firm to make sure women should be recognize in the community, society and the world.

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