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Busayo Obisakin


Feb 22

Joined Feb 19, 2009

We all pledged to work together to bring about positive change to our Nation

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We are lighten up Nigeria!!

It was a great reunion of World Pulse champions as my sisters and brother gathered at Women Inspiration Development Center for four days to join our moving train in delivering agency to women and girls in Nigeria to find their voice, discover their power and live their dreams. Nigeria is in dare need of courageous and leaders of integrity and this what Women Inspiration Development Center is helping women and girls in Nigeria to be. Our project funded by Girls Opportunity Alliance (GOA) of Obama Foundation is giving Women Inspiration Development Center the opportunity to train 20 leaders of 10 NGOs in seven states of Nigeria to join us in delivering agency to Nigeria women and Girls. Out of these 10 organizations, five of them belong to my World Pulse Sisters and Brother.

These organizations will work with us for one year as our trainees and sub-grantees. They will deliver agency to about 2,500 girls in Nigeria during their training that will develop to become courageous leaders in the country. This is huge for us at a time our country Nigeria is facing a serious challenge of insecurity and acute poverty of more than have of its population.

At the end of their training, the organizations leaders will be certified to continue to deliver agency-based workshops for the populations they are working with in Nigeria.

Our mission is to provide a platform for disenfranchised women and girls to not only find their voices but also discover their inherent power and live their dreams. Through a combination of empowerment programs, mentorship, and support networks, we aim to create a transformative experience for those who have been historically marginalized.

we envision a future where every woman and girl can break free from the constraints of disenfranchisement and embrace their full potential.

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