
Our Trash, Our Responsibility"

Using Tote Bag to carry fruits and vegetables to cut down plastic use

Photo Credit: Self

Using Tote Bag to carry fruits and vegetables to cut down plastic use

Problem Statement:

"Pakistan produces over 49.6 million tons of solid waste annually, with an annual increase exceeding 2.4%. Karachi, the country's largest city, contributes over 16,500 tons of municipal waste daily, leading to detrimental effects such as air pollution from burning and marine ecosystem impacts from ocean dumping. This waste exacerbates climate change, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and health hazards."

I am Anum Shakeel, a passionate and dedicated Alumni of the Global Shapers community (initiative of World Economic Forum). As former Vice Curator of GSC-Karachi Hub, we embarked on a mission that was close to my heart – "Our Trash, Our Responsibility."

As a social activist and an eco-friendly enthusiast, I've always been deeply concerned about the planet's deteriorating condition. I believe that it's high time for people to recognize the importance of waste management and the impact of their everyday choices on the environment.

Our campaign was multifaceted, and it included speaker sessions, podcasts, radio shows, and even television appearances. My fellow Shapers and I believed that words held the power to inspire change, and we became the spokesperson for our cause. We spoke passionately about the urgent need for responsible waste management and was thrilled to see countless listeners inspired to join our movement.

But we didn't stop at words alone. The campaign also involved field visits to waste management facilities and areas affected by improper waste disposal. These visits revealed the harsh realities of waste mismanagement and served as a stark reminder of the urgency of our mission.

We harnessed the power of social media to raise awareness. Through engaging content, we spread the message far and wide, urging people to take action, no matter how small, to reduce their waste footprint.

Collaborating with influencers was another pivotal aspect of our campaign. My team and I worked with local influencers who shared our commitment to environmental sustainability. Together, we reached a broader and more diverse audience, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness.

One of the most impactful elements of our campaign was the screening of our compelling documentary. We visited schools and colleges, shared the documentary, and conducted interactive sessions. The documentary revealed the stark reality of waste mismanagement and the dire consequences it held for the planet. We also shared practical steps that students could take to make a difference in their daily lives.

Outside of my campaign work, I continued to lead by example. I planted trees in my community, watching them grow as symbols of hope and rejuvenation. I was vigilant about saving electricity, ensuring that lights were turned off when not in use, and using energy-efficient appliances. My commitment to using tote bags and bar soaps rather than plastic bags and shampoo bottles showcased my dedication to reducing plastic waste. I recycled my clothes, breathing new life into old garments while lessening the burden on landfills.

My public engagements became a platform for me to create awareness. Whether it was at conferences, workshops, or community events, I seized every opportunity to inspire and educate. My words resonated deeply with my audience, leaving them not only informed but also motivated to become changemakers themselves.

As the "Our Trash, Our Responsibility" campaign progressed, it left an indelible mark on our community. People began to realize that, indeed, waste was their responsibility. We are optimistic that our campaign will transform attitudes and habits, making environmentally conscious choices a way of life.

To ensure efficacy and significance, the project team has defined the following impact metrics for the initiative:

  1. Reach 1,000 individuals through documentary views on social media platforms.
  2. Engage with 60 individuals through physical screenings at designated venues.
  3. Mobilize 20 individuals for participation in future climate action activities led by Global Shaper Karachi Hub, through pledge options on social media and during physical screenings.
  4. Establish a partnership with 2 educational institute for the implementation of forthcoming climate action initiatives."


Climate Change
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