Reflecting...10 Years in the Making, in the Marching

We carried the wrning about imminent climate consequences to many who at that time only understood it to be weird weather.

Photo Credit: Kat Haber, screenshot, July 22, 2023

Historical longest Climate March from March 1, 2014 -November 1, 2014.

We Marchers, we marched again virtually. Thank you for showing up!

We are not confused climate snowflakes, though snowflakes were falling from an atmospheric river that dropped more than 15 inches of snow here in Vail during Day 2 of our historic 10th Anniversary Reunion. Our feelings are not fragile. Our hearts are not bleeding. We are badasses in our own rights, whether in arts or education or activism or consciousness. Our common march is to finer futures. Our toughness is Xpressed in tender outrage. Our strength is in the service to the suffering of all our relations in Earth. We are fierce, formidable lovers of life in Earth. Our compassion is courage expressed in raising our voices, modeling right response to urgent climate crisis. In the panic of climate migrants, we stand unified for survival. We do not lack solutions. We clearly are finding order in our places. First within and then in ways only our march could have steeled us for in the hardening of the splintering of climate consequences. We started in an atmospheric river deluge in LA. We wandered through our personal deserts, like all great masters. We calibrate daily what next to do. The time of the lone wolf is over. The howl of the pack is growing louder. If our values in equity, compassion, empathy, enoughness, and love indeed make us climate snowflakes, then our communities need to know, WINTER IS HERE! 

Marchers, stewards of our Earth. Today, our souls resonate with sympathy for the symphony of nature's plea, the urgent call echoing through the winds we stood against, the rivers we crossed, and the pulsing heartbeats of life in our planet. On this inner resonant journey into our deep souls, we’ll whisper hope, skip in rhythm with our shared destiny, we gather, we walk in beauty.

Now, let us imagine the world we yearn for, a world where the air is pure, the oceans teem with life, and the forests stand tall & unyielding. Picture ourselves as guardians, custodians of this treasure bestowed upon us by generations past & entrusted to us for generations to come. Indigenous call this 7th generation thinking for all our relations. We will be listening to & speaking with your superconscious. Where everything is known, beyond time, beyond place.

Inner Resonance Technology is a paradigm of effortless grace & ease of quantum leaping into a fresh reality. There is nothing to be, nothing to do & nothing to have. Nothing is required for answers or to prepare. THOUGH FROM MARCHING WE ARE PREPARED! If you are willing, position yourself comfortably. Close your eyes, open your mind. Trust your inner knowing & wellness.

From this place of knowing that & remembering who you really are, you may now invite your own spiritual support-your guides, angels, teachers, allies, masters. For whatever you believe is here for you right now.  

When I pause, please breathe in and out saying YES & Thank You!  With potentials beyond time and space, with command over all aspects of reality; freedom from time (past, present & future are all available NOW).

Three things about the body are helpful to know: 

~ The body is a communication device that has access to all information from all times & places

(your intuition is-your gut feeling, your womb wisdom)

~ The body also has all the programs that know what health & wholeness are & what is interfering with feeling good in all areas of your life… 

(balancing all the demands of your body)

~ Most importantly, perhaps, is that the body is an instant (Clap!) responder to infinite consciousness. 

Sometimes the programs that know how to respond get switched off … through suffering, pain, disease, injury, or trauma. They need to be woken up. We will wake them up. Climate is a vexed, global, porous and inter-generational predicament.

A simple way of doing that is to say “SWITCH ON BODY!” Please say with me, “SWITCH ON BODY!”

As we tread upon this path of reflection, let the weight of our choices and actions settle within. Each footprint, each decision, a brushstroke upon the canvas of our planet's fate. Feel the emotional burden. AND the power resting in our hands — the power to nurture, heal, and restore the delicate balance of our bodies in this world.

Yet, amidst the sorrow, let there be a flicker of unwavering hope. Has the determination to be the change tickled your being? Like a tiny seed carried by the wind, it holds the promise of a new dawn. Embrace the stories of resilience, of communities uniting & mimicking us MARCHERS to protect the land, the sea & the sky. Do you feel the harmony of action? Gathering forces of Earth & humans together? Witness the courage of change-makers, planting seeds of transformation in barren lands. Is living in nature’s rhythm possible for you? 

As we navigate the depths of emotions, let gratitude bloom like wildflowers in the deserts, in the meadows. In this symphony of emotions, can you hear a melody of purpose? Find your special pristine landscape adorning your world. Fill in the full details. Is the pulse of commitment drumming in your heart? In this sacred space, let emotions flow freely, like the rivers coursing through valleys & plains & down mountains. Feel the sorrow for the forests scarred by flames in Alaska/Australia/California/Texas/Colorado/Germany/Spain/Amazon/Siberia, for the species lost to the relentless march of Xtraction. Flow like the waves of unrelenting life coursing life. Let empathy bloom within, a garden of compassion for all life forms affected by our collective actions.

Remember that anything you forget will be included anyway as it is known on other levels of consciousness.

So give yourself the gift of being fully present in this pleasing natural spot. Notice all the detail that we often don’t take time to fully appreciate. Awaken your senses. See the rich shades of color & the visual detail…The quality of light…Notice what aromas might be in this place. Listen…what do you hear? Just enjoy yourself with awe, for as long as you wish…

When you have these 3 flowing together in your awareness …your touch, your feelings & your breath in & out of your heart center, breathing in/out with 5 increasingly deeper breaths …breathing in touching, letting go of your touch on the exhale, breathing in touching, breathing out letting go.

Carry with you the echoes of this resonance. Let it guide your footsteps, ignite your passions & fuel your commitment to respect our home, our Earth, for the generations yet to come.

Emerge, not as a mere witness, rather as a robust partner in the beautiful dance of life on this precious blue & green planet we get to call home - Earth.

Use your Touch Breath daily. Your Touch Breath is the end result of your specific chemical signature of wholeness & the activator of the next level of your frequency of your greatest Self.  Before sleeping & upon waking up, or whenever you get triggered at any time, use your Touch Breath. Think of it as your secret signal to your body to balance in the moment, like a password to reboot your system. Be aware when things are going well, or you see a rainbow over the ocean, or you smell an orange blossum, or you hug a friend you have not seen in a long time, or you notice your physical energy is vibrant and serving you…you get the idea!  

In resonance to your highest self. In joy!

That is all. 

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