Its a picture of me standing in church and smiling in appreciation

Photo Credit: Photo credit by me

A picture i took in church, smiling because i know its Gods grace that has kept me alive

How big, could a thank you be?

i wish i would one day offer a bunch of flowers to you dear Jensine Larsen, to you Kirthi Jayakumar, to you Vaishnavi pallapothu and the entire World Pulse team. 

For your endless contributions towards raising the voices of women and developing communities directly, while indirectly reaching out to millions world wide.

you raised my confidence and made me understand that, i am a change maker, and can achieve my dreams if only i am focus and consistent.

you made me understand that i can be the change i want to see in my community.

you build my confidence to becoming a solution oriented woman.

And today, other community women see me as an icon to emulate. other organizations see me as a mentor. Today i am now monitoring 3 different organizations in my country.

Thank you World Pulse.

I've only been on World Pulse for less than a year, but have been privileged to receive two awards on this platform.

The first award gotten after writing a story titled " Cameroon, let go and give peace a chance" gave me so much visibility and an opportunity to be featured on your advocacy video which you published on your social media handles. This video made me feel so proud watching my self advocating for peace and gave me so much visibility. Because of this, i got the opportunity to be invited to the MIMIYOUYOU show were i was invited to talk about the ongoing crisis in my country and the untold sufferings of the peopele of the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

The honorarium award of 100USD which you gave me, went a long way in adding to our little funds in supporting 50 vulnerable children at the EWONGO , internally displaced Camp and empowering over 200women with skills in Liquid soap making and ice cream making in five different communities in my country.

Thank World pulse for raising the voices of women directly and reaching out to millions of vulnerable people indirectly. You are wiping the tears of many you don't even know.

How loud could this my thank you sound?

Like an anthem sung by a football crowd, like a choir singer songs of joy in a congregation or like a hundred trumpets.

You also honored me with a featured change maker badge after posting my initiative on Regenerative Urban gardening, and futher offered me the opportunity to led a breakout room at the end of year encouragers party. An opportunity i seized and was honored to speak amid great minds.

Because of this, i was invited to TEDXVAIL by dearest Kat Haber, a platform for great change Makers and celebrates incredible initiatives. I never dreamt i could be on TED this soon. Thanks to you dear Kat, my wildest dream came soon. While on Tedxvail, i got to network with a few great minds in the domain of climate change, and was invited by one of the National Geographic Explorer, to work together on the impacts of Climate on children.

Thank you World pulse.

Dear World Pulses you also offered me an honorarium of 100USD, which is setting our funding base for this year 2024. So far, my Organization HAND IN HAND Cameroon, which i founded in 2018, has partnered with another organization called Nature Golden Vitality and we have successfully cultivated a 500m2 of land in December 2023, as a community Garden, were we planted carrots, huckleberry, pepper and potatoes, to be donated to two vulnerable orphanages in Bamenda and some of the vegetables sold to raise income to support this orphans in school. A similar project focusing on regenerative urban gardening will commence in Limbe this January 2024, with the intension of donating the farm produce to five identified orphanages here in Limbe, with each orphanage having a capacity of at least 50kids. That means we shall be reaching out to a total of seven different orpahanges in cameroon with a capacity total of 350 vulnerable kids in Bamenda and Limbe.

World Pulse, i want you to know that, however large my thank you could be, it could never match up to what you gave.

I also want you to know that we recognize the great benefits your work acrrues.

Reading from many other members on World Pulse, my commitment for selfless engagements in community development could only get stronger.

This year, my organization has equally developed a project to begin a sustainable women and girls empowerment center that empowers women and girls on hair dressing, fashion designing of traditional cloths and shoes like the Cameroon prestigious outfit called "Ntogho", as a means of Ending GBV in this climate affected areas and fostering Gender equality in the South West Region. we are hoping and praying that a funding organization like UN TRUST FUNDS & other organizations & philanthropist find our project worthy.

Recieve my few words of appreciation as i struggle to pen them down to you.

Looking forward to better commitments on Workd pulse.

Thank you.

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