To The Future Female

To The Future Female

I am an African girl from the western part of Africa. I grew up in a community where I saw women being full-time housewives, nursing the babies, and nurturing the home. I was a beautiful young girl and I could hear when people tell my parents that I was so beautiful and they should get ready for suitors. Here women are asked to do just the minimum. At least we go to school but not to school to find a purpose but to be qualified enough to get married and have a great man. I grew up being all fine with all this until I turned 15 and I wanted something different from the average life. I didn’t want what the average girl wanted, I didn’t like the bare minimum. If it’s not the best then I’m not settling for it. 

There is this societal cycle. A system that governs where I come from. A measuring yard of a woman’s life. There is a mental brainwash subjected to keep women in fear. The fear of time being against us, the fear of nature not standing at our side as we mature. So we have to learn all fast. Learn how to be a girl faster, learn how to cook and clean faster, let how to be the woman who takes care of the house. Learn how to forget about yourself and put people first, learn selflessness but be selfish to your own needs cause a real woman cares for the entire family first. Learn how to read and write, graduate from school, get married and continue the cycle of life.

Not like I had a problem with all this but I found it a routine, a boring routine, and a routine that makes me be what society wants not what I am created to be. I am being raised to fit Into society and not to discover my nature and design. A woman is not created to cook and clean alone or bear children. A woman is created with a unique purpose to serve the needs of humanity. This need involves me developing and intentionally working on myself to be the woman God wants me to be and what Society thinks I should be. 

I began to stand against this minsdet. Many young girls have lived with the stigma that if they do too much they will chase men away, so we are asked to downplay ourselves, settle for less, pray, and wait for the right man to come. I don’t know if there are many girls like me out there but here, where I am, it seems like I am alone in this world fighting to make everybody see the truth in the genuine purpose of being female. We birth ideas and not just children alone, we birth dreams into reality, we make innovative businesses and nurture industry not just the family. 

I have decided to champion this change within and around me. Teaching girls my age and older to find themselves in the light of their purpose, discover the truth that is inside of them, and start the purpose journey to success. True success is a journey that starts with the discovery of your God-given identity and purpose. So it starts with you and not your family, not your Society. It starts when you dream of going to school, graduating, and making the change you want to see in your environment, it starts when you pick up creativity in your craft and strive to follow the CASPER method[ Clarity, Align, Strategy, Plan, Execute, Result]. Finding “clarity”, “aligning” it with your purpose, developing “strategies”, “planning” how to carry out each goal; either long or short term. Then gradually “execute” them; not rushing nor checking if the clock is against you or not. The truth is when you are fulfilling your purpose the time will never be against you, it will be in your favor. And lastly, staying positive to watch out for your Result. Your results are your achievements, your small or big wins, awards and recognition, boundaries you have broken, and new records you are setting.

This Casper approach is what I implement in my day-to-day life journey to success. I believe I will be a woman that will inspire many young girls so I am not sad to take on the challenge. Trying to say no to a society's ways and methods because I want to stand for what is true is not going to be easy. I have heard people calling me Feminists and all sorts of names but the truth is I am no feminist, I am feminine, I believe in my feminine power; design and spontaneous nature and I am determined to bring out the best of it. Society has misinterpreted the meaning of women are emotional and weaker vessels which is confusing our nature with our purpose. I am not weak to do great things, I have the strength I need to help a man and build together a dynasty that would help humanity. 

So to the future females like me out there let’s continue reading, let’s continue to renew minds. Take that course, learn that skill, make more money. Look beautiful because it is a language of the heavenly. The heavens were never described as dark or ugly it is decorated with beautiful and splendor. Decorate yourself with lots of love and care. Be beautiful for you and not just to attract the opposite sex. Be beautiful cause you were created to give God glory with it. Imagine if the universe gave you so much beauty and you downgrade yourself by mismanaging your body and gift. Nurture yourself, value who you are, and never be afraid to stand alone for one day the truth will find its way 

And the truth is the revelation of the real purpose of the female gender. Till I see you somewhere beautiful and bright let’s take the mountains together not waiting for time not waiting for the sun to set but riding together as the sunrises for we are queens 

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