United In Pulse: A Tribute to our Shared Vision and Collective effort

Sharmin Prince; a real fighter

Dear Sharmin Prince,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the invaluable support and guidance you have provided me through the World Pulse forum. Your unwavering encouragement and insightful advice have been a beacon of light during my journey towards advocacy and empowerment.

When I first joined World Pulse, I was seeking a platform where I could connect with like-minded individuals who shared my passion for gender equality and social justice. Little did I know that I would encounter a mentor and friend in you. Your presence on the forum has not only enriched my experience but has also significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Your thoughtful responses to my posts, your willingness to share your knowledge, and your ability to inspire action have left an indelible mark on my heart. You have shown me the power of global sisterhood, and how our collective voices can create ripples of change across borders and cultures.

I am writing to extend my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to collaborate with you as a co-author on recent book project, ‘’Understanding Gender Based Violence: Holistic Perspective’’. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience to contribute to a work that I believe will have a significant impact in preventing GBV and raising awareness on this issue. The book explores the wide range of behaviors associated with GBV, each characterized by different dynamics from domestic violence to human trafficking and harmful cultural practices.

Your guidance and expertise throughout the writing process have been invaluable to me. I have learned so much from you, not only about the subject matter but also about the dedication and precision required to produce a work of such calibre. Your mentorship has been a professional highlight for me, and I am deeply appreciative of the time and energy you invested in my development as a writer and a scholar.

The process of co-authoring ’Understanding Gender Based Violence: Holistic Perspective’’. has been both challenging and inspiring. I am particularly grateful for the creative freedom you allowed me in expressing my ideas and perspectives. Your openness to my contributions and your constructive feedback helped shape my sections into work that I am truly proud of.

I am also thankful for the trust you placed in me by including me in this project. Working alongside you and the rest of our talented team has been a privilege. As this book makes its way into the hands of readers, I am excited to see the impact it will have. I am confident that our combined efforts will resonate with our audience and contribute meaningfully to the discourse in our field.

Through our interactions, I have learned the importance of resilience, the strength that comes from vulnerability, and the courage it takes to stand up for what is right. You have taught me that every story matters and that by sharing our experiences, we validate not only our own truths but also those of others who may not have the platform to speak.

I would also like to thank you for the opportunity to present at the recent 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence event hosted by ‘’Eagles empowered to soar’ organization. It was an honour to be part of such a significant movement that raises awareness and calls for the elimination of violence against women and girls around the globe.


The chance to share my insights and experiences with an audience committed to making a difference was incredibly humbling. The discussions and stories shared by fellow activists and survivors were profoundly moving and served as a powerful reminder of the importance of our collective efforts.

Your team's dedication to organizing event provided a platform for vital conversations and the exchange of transformative ideas. The meticulous planning and execution of event did not go unnoticed, and I commend you and your colleagues for creating an environment that was both supportive and inspiring. Please convey my appreciation to everyone involved in making the event a success.

I am inspired by the commitment ’Eagles empowered to soar’ has shown towards creating a safer and more equitable world. The mission of this organization is to promote gender equity, advocate against gender-based violence, provide support to those affected, and facilitate access to essential resources. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, this organization strives to foster connection, understanding, and growth among individuals. The commitment to diversity and inclusion drives us to serve all members of our community, including immigrants, by providing comprehensive support programs and services that promote successful integration and overall well-being. I am hopeful that our paths will cross again in future as we continue to work towards a common goal.

Your dedication to supporting women and girls around the world is evident in every word you write and every action you take. You embody the spirit of World Pulse, a safe digital refuge that amplifies women’s voices for change. You work on eradicating all forms of GBV. Your will to provide all necessary resources such as education, healthcare facilities, social support and employment opportunities to gender-based violence survivors make you a superhero and great woman. Your commitment to lifting others as you rise is a testament to your character and the impact you have on World Pulse community.

I am incredibly grateful for the time you have invested in me and for believing in my potential. Your mentorship has been a gift that I will cherish forever. I am proud to be part of the global sisterhood that you have helped foster, and I am motivated to pay forward the kindness and support I have received from you.

Thank you Sharmin, for being a remarkable role model, a compassionate ally, and a true friend. I look forward to continuing our collaboration on the World Pulse forum and beyond, as we strive to create a world where all women thrive.

With heartfelt thanks and warm regards,

Dr. Sadia Javaid


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