why i wont stop planting trees in my community

Photo Credit: chris

created this for carthy my best friend a tree we planted together back in the days when we were kids ,this tree gave me my last BYE! that remained a permanent reminder in my life

trees are like my alarm reminder that it saved my life and it also created a permanent life changing event in my life. i lost a best' friend" that i cant stop thinking about , last year my friends and i travel to my community to pay respect to my friend cartyh still remember the last tree we planted together it brought tears in my eyes remembering all we shared with her , the cute little laughter , the trees we named together , the last bye that became permanet in my life. we decided to do something special to my friend in heaven during her anniversary we planted 20 trees in her remembrance and those of her sweet family that were never found it became a big event that the local goverment were involved i still dont know who spread the word , because i thought it was just going to be a small event but as time went by more people came together to plant more trees to fight the climate justice , we decorated her trees that is so giant in honor of her i hugged that tree and it felt like i was hugging my friend the look on my friends face who came to support my event could tell i miss her.last year alot changed me after sharing my climate justice story the words spread far and wide that i got shocked myself had an opportunity to visit dubai for climate justice event that changed me bacause i got exposed to so many good contact that help do me my events something i have always wishing to have in my life .one of my friend too shared my story in his country the impact of climate change that too yield something positive in my life i have an event in europ to share my story with other who are still in denial about how climate change can cause death and destruction. i look forward to this event someone was suggesting a movie from it was like ;what a great idea "i'm thinking about it who knows with technology nothing is imposible. my tree planting mission wont stop untill i plant million tree seedlings thats my target and my dream before i turn 40 every where i go i have to leave a print tree thats my signature that i keep walking with . looking back i see all the trees i have planted they are doing so great remind me of why i should never giving up no matter how hard it is .there is something that keeps botherthing me this days!!? the goverment of kenya pass a bill about tree seedlings that you cant plant some kind of trees without a linces , i mean for dacades people have been planting trees freely without being threatend with fine of a million shillings fine ? the people producing tree seedlings are folks living under a dollar a day! because that is how they manage to put food on their table how do you expect such person to get one million fine for planting tree seedlings .why are you making the lives of tree planters miserable i never thought i would live to hear such kind of talks,i know everything has been politisized this day nobody is safe!? when i see tree seedling saler go say hi and have a chat about how they are doing what is the challenge they face ? the answer is one the :goverment " they even fear growing seedlings this days were are we headed with this ? is someone making money from it , is someone getting payed for doing this , is it a self interest thing? i do have questions with nobody to ask ?looking at the faces of poor tree planters you feel sorry for them they cant afford that fine they tell you putting food on the table is a way BIG problem ! wHere are we going to get one million fine for growing tree seedlings let alone getting the linces fee that is required. even with all this i will still get those available tree seedlings promote the salers so i can continue with my mission safe and sound without crossing parth with the goverment . but my fears are always knocking!/ what if we left with one powerful person selling tree seedlings ? what will happen to this a nobody tree seedling salers they wil go back to poverty , no job, no source of income .they wont be able to feed their families is this what the goverment is looking forward to or what is going on why now !the reality is we headed there the way things are going this days !? i want to live in an enviroment that i breath fresh air from trees i planted without fear of being kidnapped and killed dumped in river somewhere for standing for the truth , i ask my friends everyday how may of them can die for trees all say big NO! who would stand up for trees nobody want to take responsibility fear has filled the air dictatorship has taken over things , but still deepdown my heart trees have to be planted! wait this weekend i will be out with kids cleaning the environment and planting trees and naming them one by one till we done with the event thats how i love and cherishmy tree planting mission i wont stop planting until i breath my last breath ,trees are my signature tune that ring in my ear that : margizu" you here because of us dont ever forget that and so the tree music continue for now untill my last breath all my life will forever be dedicated to trees because natur is beautiful and no human can beat it no matter how hard we try nature will always find a way through hard rocks , wall, pavement and it has never stopped doing wonders every day

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