Photo Credit: margizuu

water is life 2024 theme is ' PEACE ' uniting communities , bulding broken bridgs

'IF there is magic on the planet its contained in 'water'. as the world mark 'world water' day today to spread awareness about the importance of freshwater, the day is firmly dedicated to clean water the theme of 2024 is ''peace'' because whe we cooperate on water we create a positive ripples effect and buld resilience to share all the challanges. ever since i carried my own clean water from a 10 kilomiter walk i learn very impotant lession i got very responsible while using water. l learned how to save water none of my water using activities go into waste because we cant live without water . water is life during my community charitable work in northern kenya i learn alot about the impotant of water and how we need to save the water points , the nothern part of kenya rarely get rain so it was an eye oppener for me because i first hand experince what they go through. they walk miles to look for spring water that is not cosistent so you find people and animals are fighting for the little water that is available . so the idead of driling borehole came to my mind at some point , i was like what would life be for this community if they have drilled boreholes that give them clean water. both animals and people will have enough water no fight between them . and thats exactly what happend the local leaders with the helpof an NGO came together to drill multple boreholes and that really changed their lives .the community were so happy because of the available water near their homes . before that sharing their hudlers of walking miles and miles looking for water and the hot sun is burning their skin, some get attackes by wild animals , when they narate to you their story you picture the situation and put yourself on their shoes thats why drilling a borehole was the best thing we ever did as group to this community in need. back in my village growing up we had water but it was not clean ,so most people in the community used to get very sick after consuming that water , young kids used to die from colera and typhoid it was so bad that the village elder had to call a gathering thats how help came along driling boreholes that was well maintained and it was a custom every home would pay fee for maintanance and paying the caretaker .that really brought growth in the community no more waterbon disease was ever reported in my community.and in 10 yrs every home has a water tank that was donated to every home by agroup of enviromentalist they were giving back to the community inhonour of all those who died from drinking dirty water .. my dream since then is to continue teaching my community the importance of consserving water , planting trees that keep the water table safe for futer , generation .also organize events teaching my community the impotant of not wasting water even if its pleny , show them how used water can be used for watering plants instead of leaving it to go to waste . most of my dreams have been demonstrated by my community water is life and it should not be wasted and yes theyknow that . my biggest challange is its hard to convince them to do it so patince is my biggest strength when it comes to spreading the word to them. sometimes i go out of my way to use food donations to just get their attention , you know food is a gate pass to human soul. when we see food we willwant to listen to a talkbecause we know at the end of it all we going to get something to eat .yes it works i have use that trik too sometimes when i'm disperate to get things done i dont feel guilty about it because sometimes when plan A dont work we try plan C and diffrent approach . my hope is to see water consrved ,and protedted because we cant live without water we as humans we need water to hydrate, to clean , to cook and not only use animals too need water. there is this gentle man who placed a water fountain in front of his porch station a camera to see how many animals will quench their thirs , it was the best video to watch all kinds of animals came for drink including snakes , birds, ants , dragonfly , some wild animals that only come out at night , that gave me a sighn on how important water is. this is my plege as long as i'm a live i will always protect water tables , use the little tools i have to create a wareness through unity communities and sharing my decisions with everyone who take water protection campain for granted. water is the essence of life for this to be in place people from all walk of life should come together young or old play a crucial role to protect water because its all we have , we cant live without water water can create peace , bring people together, water can mend a broken relationships between communities , water can change lives , stop diseases , water can bring a smile on sad faces that lost hope way long time a go . as we celebrate water world w day be peaceful share your safe water tips with your friends , family both within your reach and those beyond the boarders because water is peace and access toclean water is our greatest responsiblity that should not be taken for granted 1 its a team work thing for everyone living in this beautiful planet . without water we nothing , without water we dead , without water we cant live ; water is life , plese save our water tables forever

Climate Change
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