
Yaya is recovery

All child deserves Equal rights

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My sister knows Yaya because she usually come to her shop to buy something for her boss.


My sister said she noticed her mood change and she was very upset so she was to questioned and she was able to talk to her.

That was when she knew she has to talk to me because my sister knows my feed in this kind of behavior.

It took me about 2 weeks to investigate her case before the truth finally came out, 

Yes there were some challenges, I was unable to communicate with her while she is at home to avoid being seen or caught in the process, she has to go out of the house before she will be able to call me . 

To me that was challenging because sometimes I needed to know if she was okay , and I also have to send my sister to her village to look for her mother.

Unfortunately Yaya instead that she can’t keep the pregnancy because of what happened to her , she said it gives her bad memories and she don’t want that . Again said she like to do something tangible with her life and she agreed to lean a hand work but she need time to recover .

I have promised to assist her to learn which ever hand work she has chosen to do.

She is currently staying with her mom in the village and I do asked my sister to check on her from time to time .

And yes the Couple has been in the police custody since then ,  the case is a very sensitive one and her boss is a very high profile person in the society according to the information I got.

Their family has been begging for forgiveness and pay for any damaged or fine , they don’t want the couple to go to prison, Yaya mother said she is a poor Christian widow that she is grateful to God that her daughter is alive, but for now she is being focused on her child recovery.

but thank God Justice is still taking his place, she is getting Justice.

What I think is important to know about this story is the fact that the couple has to plan to hurt and innocent girl is very bad , there are so many ways out there they can have their own child, this is a model age and options are available for them. 

Is important to know that thee couple did not go free with what they did , and Yaya is safe and sound.

The name of my online organization is flexible women and men empowerment 

I just started it about two months ago, is a platform I created to be able to reach out to people out there to might be facing similar situation, most especially people like me that face domestic violence without them knowing it , to teach them from my experience on her they can know that they are actually facing it , how to handle it, what to they can do to save themselves, given them a listening ear and every information they can get to be safe. 

I want to be able to help them go back to their normal life even after they are free from abuse because that is another difficult part in this whole process, many find it difficult in the area of socializing .

I’m still looking for partners to work with me on the project to pass good information and support, someone who has recovery from it and ready to shear her story to encourage others. 

I want my voice to be heard, I want to be making video on my platform doing online programs from time to time to encourage people to shear their stories, speak up and get help .

The few people I know that pass through same thing with me are not yet ready to participate or partner with me , they are not yet prepared and shy to speak up.

I also like my Organization to be registered here in the Netherlands I was informed I need a special lawyer to help me with the process.

There is this Church program coming up next year, I have been invited to participate and teach people about domestic violence.

I’m so excited to about it .

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