
Youths realizing the need to stand and serve not to be served, offer peace & humans right

Be open , wise and powerful
We have so many youths in the world especially in my country that are intimidated because of their status, hopelessness, young girls striving to survive..
My initiative is important because it will great hope to so many youths that don't believe in their selves, educating them will boast their talents especially where am coming from , from the way I grew everyone will like and love to empowered
Ultimate goal is to serve my powerless and give them hope, be a voice to many, raises the lonely and abandoned, promote human rights to arounds with low education and knowledge about the right of people, Open up a health care with 50% discount to less privilege,poor and orphans, fight for peace and educate those in need
I am currently attending school for my medical profession, I have attended a course on human rights, humanitarian activist and youths advocate, I am giving in my best to join organizations around so as to constantly train myself how to handle cases and projects unfortunately haven't been opportune to any foundation inline with that I am doing an online course on project and business management.
Believing with God's power and grace I will succeed to apply for help to government institution for financial aid and form partnership with institutions
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Digital Skills
Shout Your Vision
Global Sisterhood
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