

Photo Credit: christopher

this was our home it was full of love and care until that fateful night when election violence brought death

KENYA being one of the countries in east Africa with estimated at 55 million people that is equivalent to 0.68%of the total world population with over 70 district ethic groups that is divided into 3 broad linguistic groups the bantu ,Nilotic and cushiest , tribalism is something that i grew up listening to so so much from people around me! not my parents , my grand mother , my aunties, friends the cycle did not stop because i went to school tribal talk was there , i go to church tribal talk from people i thought were my role model actually it made me hate going to church ! don't get me wrong i still love GOD i just hated going to church , i visit my friends its tribal talk until you feel uncomfortable being in their house i felt like going back home but because its late and you can make it safe at home you swallow the bitter pill ,get chocked with it stressed and depressed live it ! n'way having spend my entire school days in boarding school after tribalism killed both my parents it was even worse! and i wont forget this scenario the students were in groups in the dormitory the kikuyus on that Conner talking and laughing in that language , luos in the middle feeling like they owe the entire school building while ,Kalenjin somewhere In the back marking their territory so nobody can trespass. the coast are together on the left enjoying the slow life with their sweet Swahili language not forgetting Somalis who didn't like sharing anything with all of the tribes but the funny this is that in class we are one thing, we enjoy being taught as one we answer questions as one when we have examination we share as one we congratulate those who win , they share what it takes to be on the top i would describe it as ' a short happy moment that we all forgot bout tribe , but view each other as individual who is out here to get good grades , clap for those who are on top , pull those who lag behind with care and love .i called it fake love may be i don't know but may be ... but until break time hell brake loose everyone go to talk in local language to its clans mate . and as we grew older our parents started cautioning us from talking to other tribes you hear a friend telling that "my mommy told me not to talk to you because your not good people she said your tribe are for witches and you kill people ..! this tribe is not good they are witches , this tribe is not good they are thieves your mothers friend telling you that so you grow up in a hostile, toxic environment believing in all the things you have hard from your role model , you reach teen you feed more tribalism , you get married your in tribalism zone your kids grow up they are being feed tribalism breaking the chain of tribalism becomes so hard because generation after generations have been feed with toxic thinking they have believe in lies right from the words of their parents , to schools teachers , church , politician so its so hard to convince one generation that tribalism is bad , its a pandemic that can only be brought down by people who have suffer trauma from it, people who have experienced first hand action can stand and condemn it in broad daylight without fear of being killed, kidnapped or intimidated because the more tribalism is glorified t the more it open ways for poverty, backwardness, lack of information and this bring the country down economically, sociologically and it bar the diversity . it also create hate for no reason , name calling it makes one tribe marginalized from accessing government services, tourism and other social economical advantages that other big tribes are getting from the government . my goals is to show those who still believe in tribalism that we all human we bleed red and we have right to live and access government services equally. we need each other to grow as a country and for a country to move forward tribalism has to be a thing of the past there should be a low that punish anyone no matter who is promoting hate and division . i believe no matter what tribe you come from you deserve a chance to be hard , to be respected and to get government resources equally . plan to continue advocating for unity no matter what it takes with the little tools i have and with the help of my team we wont stop creating awareness i will not sit and watch history repeat itself no more lives will be lost yet the people gas lighting others are living large in gated community with guns and security that common country's men cant reach them yet they are the one in sighting them to fight i will not sit and see my community fighting against fellow Kenyan just because they have being bribed with few tokens .as i continue with door to door campaign to teach community the beauty of looking beyond tribalism i will not stop until i reach my goals and I'm not doing it to look for fame or money NO! I'm doing it so the generation to come can continue embracing each other sharing opportunity and clapping to those who do good without fear of asking for your identity or statue to decide if you support them or to not do it just because they don't present them tribe wise .tribalism is not born it is taught it is gaslit with people we trust , we admire ,we look up ! fighting tribalism takes time but one hand alone cannot do it because unity is strength that no hate can break

Peace Building
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