
Zero pollution, better nutrition

A photo taken as we pack the fresh vegetable to be donated in the truck  of the car.

Photo Credit: By me

Photo of the vegetable to be donated

Sometimes giving makes a man feel great, but greater feelings you get when you give from the heart and give what people really need.

Last year 2023 HAND IN HAND Cameroon team lead by it's Founder, Achiri Constance, started a regenerative urban garden, to grow vegetables in waste bags, tyres and plastics, to donate to some Orphanages in the South West Region of Cameroon, as a way of reducing plastics and preventing the littering of waste in the environment, leading to environmental pollution and subsequent floods when this waste gets into drainages, leading to it's blockage.

To this regard, my team and i, were able to remove 500 plastic cement bags that were being littered at a construction site, and turn them into organic gardens use to plant pepper, and huckleberry. Finally we harvested the vegetables this day the 20th March 2024 and donated this fertilizer free huckleberry to the God first orphanage in Limbe.

Remeber the regenerative Urban garden project focuses on planting in waste bags, tyres, plastic bottles, with the use of organic manure as a way of reducing waste from the environment and improving the nutritional intake of the people.

My heart is filled with Joy as we donated to over 60 orphans living in the orphanage.

All thanks to World pulse for providing the funding base through thier Honorarium award, awarded to me Achiri Constance, which was used to begin this garden.

We're still looking forward to reaching more children in 3 other orphanages in Limbe.

A successful gardening project with high yield is what was observed in the garden.

Open this link to see more photos of the farm and the donated vegetables

Photos of the donation.


Photos of the regenerative garden farm


Stay tuned.



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